Development and Sensory evaluation of functional probiotic yogurt fortification with Guava pulp

Journal of Food Nutrition & Health offers scholarly research articles meant to create awareness on the ill effects of malnutrition by underlining the impact of food safety and security. It emphasizes the role of comprehensive diet in building strong immune responses to prevent and fight health disorders.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be accepted on the understanding that the author has not previously submitted the paper to another journal or had the material published elsewhere.
Ms. Madhu from India had done a research work on functional probiotics of yogurt leading to consumer acceptability. According to recent studies, improving the Gut health of human body is most important aspect that should be followed. Increase in consumption of fast food, stored food (preserved food), and spicy food especially including baking soda in every dish (literally poison consumption) is causing severe diseases (diarrhoea, muscle cramps, heart failures, secretion of stomach acid and etc.).In this era an alternative method should be taken by every human being to control human fast food cravings.
The research work of “Development and sensory evaluation of functional probiotic yogurt fortification with guava pulp” is highly recommended to every young researchers and forum.
Objective of the study: Developing functional probiotic yogurt, and fortified with guava pulps which is a prebiotic and also a vitamin ‘C’ rich fruits and their sensory evaluations for consumer acceptability.
Thank you for the initiation taken by Ms. Madhu on research of fortification of yogurt with guava pulp.
With Regards
---------Hanna Willams-----------