Anti-hypercholesterolemic activity of Juniperus communis Lynn Oil in rats

The aromatic fruit, its extract and the oil of Juniperus Communis Lynn (JCL), a tree species that grows in the Mediterranean and Isparta region, have been commonly used at least for three centuries as herbal treatment and in the field of medicine. The aim of this study was to apply JCL in various doses to rats in the treatment of hypercholesterolemy and analyse the biochemical parameters and the hystopathologic effects on kidney tissue. In this study 35 adult male Wistar albino rats of 200-250 gr in weight were used. The rats were divided into 5 equal groups of 7. The control group was fed with normal pellet chow, the cholesterol (Chol) group was fed with pellet chow containing 2% of cholesterol, and the 50 JCL, 100 JCL and 200 JCL groups were fed with 50, 100, 200 mg/kg JCL oil, respectively in addition to the 2% cholesterol-containing pellet chow. JCL was dissolved in 0.5% Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (SCMC) and administered by a gavage needle. The experiment was ended 30 days later and blood and kidney tissue samples were taken. A complete blood test and biochemical measurements were made. Kidney tissues were analysed histopathologically. The administration of 200 mg/kg JCL led to a significant increase in BUN and Crea levels. The administration of chol increased the TC level significantly, but the administration of JCL together with chol prevented this increase. The administration of chol led a significant increase in Ox-LDL levels. However, the administration of 200 mg/kg JCL together with chol did not result in a significant increase. At the end of the study it was found that the JCL oil showed an anti-hypercholesterolemic effect. While no anemic effect and no distinct change overall were observed in all groups, a distinct focal damage was observed in the tubular cast structure.
The common juniper tree (Juniperus Communis Lynn), the leaves of which remain green throughout the four seasons, is one of the juniper tree species found in the northern hemisphere. The aromatic fruit and oil of the juniper has been used in herbal treatment and in the field of medicine for at least three centuries. The fruit of the juniper tree contains 2% volatile oil and 10% balm. There are more than 100 constituents in the fruit’s volatile oil. Among these are monoterpene derivatives such as alpha and beta, mirsene, limonene, sabinene and terpinine-4-ol, which is an alcohol derivative. In addition, in the juniper fruit there is approximately 30% sugar, a low amount of catechic tannin, flavonoid derivatives and leuco antosiyanines.
This study showed that the JCL oil, which was administered in 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg doses, could be effective in hypercholesterolemy. While no anemic effect was observed in all the groups, only a distinct, focal damage in the tubular cast structure in the kidneys of the group in which 200 mg/kg JCL was administered was observed. We believe that in the near future medical plants will be in the foreground in the treatment of many diseases, primarily heart diseases, and that the need for these plants will increase. We believe that our study should lead to further studies and that more comprehensive studies need to be carried out to reveal particularly the minimal side effects on the kidney in order to benefit from the antihypercholesterolemic effect of varying doses of JCL oil.
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